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CSR activities in FY2021

Relations with Local Communities
and the International Community

Basic Approach to Contributing to Local Communities

One of the credos of NTN SPIRIT "Collaboration" states that "We take care of the natural environment and maintain coexistence with the local community." In addition to contributing to society through our business activities, we also work to help achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various activities tied closely to local communities around the world.

People and Regions connected by "NTN Rotating School"

NTN Rotating School

To promote a harmonious coexistence with local communities, the Company organized NTN Rotating School in 2017 as a way to facilitate our employees' interactions with local people and education for the next generation. This is a mobile school based on the concept of having children who will lead the next generation learn about the environment and energy saving while having fun.
So far, this school event has been held 40 times or more, and the total number of participants has reached 17,000* or more. We have deepened ties with various people in each region.
*Target: Events managed by the head office

Click here for more information about NTN Rotating School →

Monozukuri Experience Stadium Online

We participated in the Monozukuri Experience Stadium 2021 Online sponsored by the Japan Manufacturing Council and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun. The Experience Monozukuri Stadium is a hands-on event designed to help children, the leaders of the next generation, learn about the joy of manufacturing and science. In FY2021, we exhibited NTN 'Rotating School workshops online. The children interacted through quizzes to understand the role of bearings and their relationship to environmental issues. The children, who were initially nervous, were able to gradually reduce their sense of distance through conversation through the quizzes, and were able to conduct a warm and friendly program online.

Monozukuri Experience Stadium Online

Information about Monozukuri Experience Stadium 2021 Online can be found here →

Initiatives in each region


NTN Tado Corp. held a plant tour for local technical high school students, and 27 students participated. This time, NTN Tado held the tour at the request of a local technical high school, which has adopted an educational program that combines practical training at companies with lectures and other education at school. The tour started with an overview of the company, followed by observing actual product processing and assembly processes at the plant, listening to a lecture on quality and learning about examples of QC activities. The students learned about manufacturing and quality-related inspections through a demonstration of product measurement. The tour also explained that some of our employees could work in the U.S.A., and showed that it is a company where employees can be active globally. By providing practical training at the company, we were able to contribute to the school's educational program. At the end of the tour, there was a question and answer session with graduates, and the tour ended in a relaxed atmosphere.

Students touring the factory

Students touring the factory


NTN Canada launched its "Happier Smiles" initiative to help homeless people in Toronto enjoy a hot meal this holiday season.
On December 20, NTN's employees offered meals in an outdoor canopy tent along with take-out service for 200 people.
The festive lunch included a pork roast, turkey, roast beef and chicken, all roasted outside using a traditional roaster. NTN also provided vegetarian options, hot drinks, used jeans and track pants.
We are very proud to work with NTN's employees and industry partners to contribute. We all want to work together for the betterment of society.

NTN Canada employees helping the homeless

NTN Canada employees helping the homeless


In Europe, we are dedicated to engaging in broad communication in various media and methods in order to spread the word about industry careers, which are extremely rich and varied. Furthermore, we promote employment through CV-less recruitment schemes, partnerships with local communities, etc.
We offered individualized training for industrial jobs to our regional partners supporting people with disabilities during the year 2021. The national day event was also an opportunity to showcase our employees' jobs to people with disabilities.
The Sibiu site, in Romania, has long been involved in partnerships with schools in order to introduce students to industry careers. The support for the children of the Sibiu orphanage has been going on for several years now, introducing them to the world of work and technical occupations, even going so far as to recruit them.
The ICSA site in San Benigno, Italy describes itself as a "permeable factory" through actions such as: cooperation with students to develop training programs, cooperation with universities, hosting school visits, and open house events.
We will continue to work on expanding careers and creating employment opportunities for various people.

Introducing jobs to students in Sibiu, Romania

Introducing jobs to students in Sibiu, Romania


Mangroves are plants that grow on subtropical coasts. They have the role of nurturing various creatures, enriching the natural environment, and protecting the land from tsunami. About 40 years ago, overfishing of mangrove as a raw material for charcoal occurred, and the area of natural growth decreased sharply. Since then, Thai environmental protection groups have emphasized the importance of mangrove forests and have actively planted trees in various places.
As a social contribution activity, many employees and families of NTN BEARING-THAILAND CO., LTD. participated in planting 150 mangroves. They were in a situation where they couldn't move because they were stuck in the mud up to their knees, but they planted trees one by one, hoping that Thailand and NTN could grow together with the mangroves.

Planting mangroves

Planting mangroves

Planting mangroves

Online dialogue with college students

As part of our CSR activities, we actively engage in exchanges with students who will be lead the next generation. In December 2021, we gave a lecture to Doshisha University students on the theme of "NTN's ESG Management." The roadmap for realizing a "NAMERAKA society" was explained as a medium-to long-term plan, and specific examples for achieving targets for each ESG issue and our materiality were introduced. In addition, we discussed our materiality that students can most relate to, and by thinking about the reasons for this, we were able to provide an opportunity to consider our specific efforts to address social issues. We were inspired by the serious discussion, and it was a meaningful time for both students and ourselves. We will continue to deepen exchanges with educational institutions and contribute to the development of local communities.

Students expressing their opinions in a group discussion

Students expressing their opinions in a group discussion