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CSR activities in FY2020

Relationships with Local Communities
and International Communities

Basic approach to contributing to local communities

One of the credos of NTN SPIRIT "Collaboration" states that "We take care of the natural environment and maintain coexistence with the local community." In addition to contributing to society through our business activities, we also work to help achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various activities tied closely to local communities around the world.

People and Regions connected by "NTN Rotating School"

NTN Rotating School

To promote a harmonious coexistence with local communities, the Company organized NTN Rotating School in 2017 as a way to facilitate our employees' interactions with local people and education for the next generation. This is a mobile school based on the concept of having children who will lead the next generation learn about the environment and energy saving while having fun. 
So far, this school event has been held 40 times or more, and the total number of participants has reached 17,000* or more. We have deepened ties with various people in each region.
*Target: Events managed by the head office

Click here for more information about NTN Rotating School → https://www.ntnglobal.com/en/rotatingschool/index.html

Monozukuri Experience Stadium Online

We exhibited at "Monozukuri Experience Stadium Online" sponsored by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, MONODZUKURI Nihon Conference.
"Monozukuri Experience Stadium" is a hands-on event aimed at letting children, who will lead the next generation, learn the joy of manufacturing and science. In fiscal 2020, it was held online for the first time due to the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus. While we had no choice but to refrain from face-to-face activities, we were able to introduce the "Rotating Symphony," which is one of the programs of the "NTN Rotating School," at this event. This is a program that allows participants to create a story (music) by exercising their imagination to combine sounds of various instruments. You can use something familiar to you as an instrument and parents and children enjoy making music together at home.

Monozukuri Experience Stadium Online

Click here to learn more about "Monozukuri Experience Stadium Online" (Japanese only) → https://mono-stu.jp/past/y2020_online.php

"Rotating Symphony" that parents and children can enjoy together

''Rotating Symphony'' that parents and children can enjoy together

Initiatives in Each Region


NTN Kinan Corp. held a workplace tour for elementary school students, and 25 students visited the corporation to learn about manufacturing. During the tour, sufficient measures against infectious disease were taken, such as wearing masks and holding a question and answer session outdoors. (March, 2021)
First, NTN Kinan introduced the business content and bearings, and the children were surprised to learn that bearings are a component that is used a lot around them and that one of the world's leading bearing makers is in their town. At the second plant, one representative pressed the switch to open the cover of the forging part of the world's largest horizontal hot forging machine, and to see the movement of the large machine. Students commented, "I wanted to go on the tour again" and "I was surprised that the machines are expensive" and on the tour, the students could learn a lot about manufacturing.

Workplace tour for elementary school students

Elementary school students on the tour wearing a cap with the NTN logo

Elementary school students on the tour wearing a cap with the NTN logo


NTN BEARING CORP. OF CANADA LTD. has added a gardening plot to their headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario. The garden provides employees with the opportunity to till, seed and harvest a small communal plot while following COVID-19 workplace health and safety procedures, including masking and social distancing. All produce, from crisp lettuce to vine-ripened tomatoes, is donated to feed the hungry at the Haven Toronto Shelter in hopes of helping the homeless receive fresh, nutritious meals to improve their diet and overall health. Shelters, like Haven Toronto, are reporting a shortage in food donations required to help vulnerable people survive the COVID-19 crisis. NTN's community garden has provided an opportunity for over 200 people per day at the Haven Toronto Homeless Shelter to enjoy nutritious food at no cost.
Through community involvement and a genuine desire to help the homeless population, NTN's employees are excited about establishing their Community Garden. The benefits of community gardening – fresh air and exercise, green space, and the chance to build the NTN community spirit has made the effort well worth it.

NTN community garden Planting for Homeless Shelters in Need

NTN community garden Planting for Homeless Shelters in Need

NTN community garden Planting for Homeless Shelters in Need


ICSA Industria Cuscinetti S.P.A..(hereafter, ICSA), an Italian manufacturing site, donated 30 PCs to local elementary and junior high schools. (Sep. 2020)
These elementary and junior high schools are located near the plant of ICSA, and they are familiar to ICSA, because employees' children also go to these schools.
In the plant of ICSA, there were PCs that are no longer used due to facility upgrades at the plant, and all of these PCs are fully equipped with monitors, keyboards, and other accessories. Therefore, employees in the IT department proposed to donate them to the schools to help their education for the next generation. Initialization and other necessary settings were made prior to donation. The donated PCs are used for information education of children. ICSA will continue to contribute to local communities through exchanges with local educational institutions and children.
*ICSA is a manufacturing base located in Turin in northwest Italy and became an affiliated company of the NTN Group in 2013.

Donating PCs to local elementary and junior high schools

Donation ceremony after taking sufficient measures against infectious diseases.

Donation ceremony after taking sufficient measures against infectious diseases.

Donated 30 PCs

Donated 30 PCs


NTN BEARING-THAILAND CO., LTD. held hands-on workshops at schools which are located in the neighborhood for children with hearing disabilities. (Oct. 2020)
As schools for children with disabilities in Thailand do not receive enough support from the government, the number of teachers is also insufficient, and Thailand cannot provide adequate education and equipment for the students. As part of social contribution activities, the employees asked the schools if there was anything they could do for the children, and as a result, they decided to hold various workshops for the children. Employees held workshops on making notebooks using recycled paper and taught children about the importance of the environment and natural resources. Children made their own notebooks by drawing pictures on the cover as they liked. Also, they held workshops on traditional dyeing in Thailand and gardening at the school. The children looked cheerful the whole time, and both employees and children were able to interact with each other as children taught sign language to employees. It was also a great opportunity for employees to think about the importance of interacting with local communities.

Scene from hands-on workshop for children with hearing disabilities

Garden created on the school ground was named ''NTN Garden''

Garden created on the school ground was named "NTN Garden"

Taking a picture of those with dye they made

Taking a picture of those with dye they made

Online dialog with college and high school students

As part of our CSR activities, we are actively interacting with students who will lead the next generation. Due to the spread of the new coronavirus , the activity was implemented using online conference tools instead of a face-to-face meeting.
In October 2020, under the theme of "employment of persons with disabilities," we advised students of Osaka Prefectural Senri High School about the law concerning employment of persons with disabilities and the actual situation of NTN such as "Dream Workshops" in our plant, and we explained that we accelerate the transformation by promotion of diversity. In December, we introduced what we should do for society from the perspective of ESG under the theme of "ESG initiatives at NTN" to Doshisha University students, and will contribute to solving social issues through our business activities in the future. The opportunity to hear students' thoughts formed from a fresh perspective is also very meaningful to us. We will continue to deepen exchanges with educational institutions and contribute to the development of the region.

Students expressing their opinions in group discussions

Students expressing their opinions in group discussions

Support for measures against the new coronavirus in various regions

Business sites in NTN Group around the world are providing support for the measures against the new coronavirus. NTN Group provided masks to medical institutions in Japan and the Americas, and NTN-SNR produced face shields in France using their 3D printers and supplied them to facilities in the surrounding region.
NTN Group not only continues its business activities even in emergencies, but also endeavors to maintain coexistence with local communities.

Support case

Face shield manufactured by NTN-SNR

Face shield manufactured by NTN-SNR

NTN Singapore conducted blood donation

NTN Singapore conducted blood donation

Details of support that spreads around the world

Details of support that spreads around the world