NTN Corporation


Press Release


March 31, 2008

NTN Promotes CO2 Reduction Activities in NTN Group Employee Households

NTN prepares and start distributing “NTN Household Eco-Account Book” to NTN employee households

Increase in energy consumption has causing serious concern about global warming.

In the Kyoto Protocol agreed in 1997 Japan set the target to reduce its carbon dioxide(CO2)emission by 6 % averaged over the 5 year-period from 2008 to 2012 compared to the year 1990.

While the industry sector has seen reduction of CO2 emission by 5.6 % against 1990 baseline, the household sector on the other hand has seen sharp increase of the emission by 30 % over the baseline as people obtain and enjoy an abundant lifestyle more and more. This makes it important for company employees to promote energy saving action not only at workplace but also at home as an industry initiative.

NTN Group is working proactively to improve utility consumption efficiency (air conditioning, lighting, air compression etc.) and use natural energy as well as increasing productivity performance in order to achieve drastic reduction in CO2 emission. NTN had about 240,000 ton emission in fiscal 2007 as a group.

NTN has also decided to work on reduction of CO2 in the household of NTN Group employees as a new initiative. NTN household CO2 emission is estimated to be approximately 70,000 tons (see Note) annually, which amounts to as much as 30 % NTN Group plants emit.

As a concrete action NTN prepares and distributes "NTN Household Eco-Account Book" for NTN employee households to record their monthly usage of utility such as electricity and water in the hope to increase their awareness of saving energy and decreasing domestic CO2 discharge.

NTN has started to distribute the Household Eco-Account Book and ask all 12,000 NTN employees including temporary workers from agency to keep record of their utility consumption from January 2009 on a voluntary basis.

The book in the meantime is designed to record actual usage on the current six months. NTN will encourage the activity to continue and expand in NTN employees' households. NTN will also distribute the book to NTN's sales agents and suppliers, hoping the increased activity on this outside of the company as well.

Note) 5~6 tons (Estimated annual CO2 discharge per household) × 12,000 households

[Outline of NTN Household Eco-Account Book]


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