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Medium-term Management Plan

Medium-term Management Plan Document Download

NTN started the Medium-term Management Plan “DRIVE NTN100” in FY2018 when NTN celebrated its 100th anniversary with the aim to drive forward transformation of business structure for the new 100 years. We set the three years from FY2021 to FY2023 as “DRIVE NTN100” Phase 2, and are working on various measures.

NTN Group Vision

NTN aims to realize a “NAMERAKA Society*” through putting our corporate philosophy into practice. We have newly formulated the materiality necessary to move toward the realization. By addressing this materiality, we will contribute to the achievement of “SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)” and promote ESG management.

*A NAMERAKA Society: A society where people can easily lead a secure and fulfilling life in harmony with nature.

(1) NTN Group Vision: Realization of a “NAMERAKA Society”
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(2) Materiality and NTN in Fiscal Year 2027
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(3) Promotion of ESG Management
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Overview of “DRIVE NTN100” Phase 2

Business Operating Policy

While we continue the basic policy of driving forward transformation of business structure set out in “DRIVE NTN100” from FY2018 to 2020, we focus on strengthening the financial structure in particular and aim to build a corporate structure that can respond promptly to changes in the management environment.

(1)  Business Operating Policy of “DRIVE NTN100” Phase 2
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Business Environment and Strategy

We identify the issues by region as a business environment surrounding us and formulate appropriate strategies.

(2) NTN's Business Environment
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Target Areas to Invest R&D Resources

In R&D, we identify the six areas where we will concentrate our resources for future growth to promote response to carbon neutrality and pursue safety, security, and comfort.

(3) Target Areas to Invest R&D Resources
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Rebuild Business Portfolio

We will rebuild business and product portfolio. We will categorize main businesses into the three sectors: “create,” “growth,” and “harvest.” We will concentrate management resources on these sectors and expand the ratio of aftermarket business and industrial machinery business to approximately 40% in FY2030.

(4) Rebuild Business Portfolio and Product Portfolio
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Business Strategy

Aftermarket Business

In addition to enhancing the product lineup and instant delivery inventory that we have been working on, we will focus on the transformation of business, from selling products to providing services with the aim of further expanding sales.

(5) Business Segment: Aftermarket Business
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Initiatives to strengthen for sales expansion (medium-to long-term)
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Industrial Machinery Business

We will expand sales and advance technologies where we have strengths including bearings for wind turbines, as well as CMS that monitors operating conditions of bearings for wind turbines to contribute to carbon neutrality. Additionally, we will contribute to labor savings by providing bearings with sensors and module products for robots.

(6) Business Segment: Industrial Machinery Business
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Initiatives to strengthen by industry (medium-to long-term)
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Automotive Business

We will work to strengthen the competitiveness by expanding new products adapting to EVs and electrification. Hub bearings and driveshafts, both of which NTN has large global market shares, are still used in EVs and HEVs. We will focus on developing high performance products adapting to electrification and fuel efficiency regulations.

(7) Business Segment: Automotive Business
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Initiatives to strengthen by products (medium-to long-term)
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Strengthen Management Bases

Financial Structure Strategy

We will transform the financial structure to ensure stable profits without relying on demand environment. While continuing to reduce fixed costs in Phase 1, we will focus on reducing variable cost through reforms as to procurement and others in Phase 2. We will also improve productivity while refraining investment through production reorganization and production reform.

(8) Lower Break-even Point
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(9) Reduce Variable Cost / Procurement Reformation
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(10) Control Increase of Fixed costs/ Improve Assets Turnover
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Promote Digital Transformation (DX)

We will promote DX (Digital Transformation) in each field including sales, production, procurement, logistics, finance, and CMS. In the future, we will integrate the data we have accumulated to upgrade our business administration and create new business models.

(11) Promotion of DX (Digital Transformation)
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Management Targets for Phase 2

The targets for the final year of Phase 2 (FY2023) are net sales 700 billion yen or more and operating income 42 billion yen or more.

(12) Major Management Indicators of “DRIVE NTN100” Phase 2
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