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CSR activities in FY2021

Relationships with Employees

Basic Approach to Human Capital

One of the ESG issues facing the Group is the "prosperous human development. " We are advancing specific initiatives based on the following pillars: "securing human resources who will lead the next generation to take on the challenge of transformation," "creating a rewarding environment that respects the diversity of employees," "fostering a culture of learning and development in the workplace," "realizing a workplace where employees can work safety and healthily" and "respect for human rights."

Promote Safety and Health

Safety and Health Basic Policy

As the foundation of our management, ensuring the health and safety of all employees is the most important value that takes precedence over all of our other business activities. Based on this basic stance, we aim to realize a work environment where employees can work safely, healthily and actively.
We have formulated a Safety and Health Basic Policy based on the 6 items indicated below as basic principles.
We will raise safety awareness of employees and organization and further enhance corporate value by presenting this basic policy to employees, shareholders, customers and business partners, etc.

Outline of Safety and Health Basic Policy

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
  2. Promotion of continuous improvement through the operation of an occupational safety and health management system
  3. Elimination and reduction of hazardous / harmful risks
  4. Promotion of employee education and training
  5. Maintain and promote mental and physical health
  6. Create safety culture

Safety and health efforts

Under the Safety and Health Basic Policy, we will promote safety and health activities based on the following 3 priority measures.

3 pillars of priority measures

3 pillars of priority measures

Nurturing strong safety consciousness

Through in-house training, we train a number of risk assessment (RA) trainers at each business site, and conduct RA implementation guidance by RA trainers on a workplace-by-workplace basis to promote the improvement of RA capabilities of employees. Similarly, we have trained risk prediction (KY) trainers, implemented KY training on a workplace-by-workplace basis, and improved the KY capabilities of employees to develop people who are well-versed in safety practices and who do not act unsafely.
To prevent human error, we provide training to managers with the aim of improving social skills that cannot be attained only by providing systems or knowledge, such as status awareness, decision-making, communications and leadership. In addition, we are using the Safety Assessor qualification system to train engineers who can promote the intrinsic safety of equipment.

Intrinsic safety of equipment

Risk assessment (RA) is conducted for equipment at the time of installation, after a certain period of time elapses after installation, when equipment or content of work is modified, when something is pointed out as a result of safety patrols, or when near misses occur, in order to improve the intrinsic safety of equipment.
To deal with risks that are identified in RAs, we implement safety initiatives using engineering measures, such as safety covers and interlocks, in addition to intrinsic measures for reviewing operations. Furthermore, we consider risk reduction by means of managerial measures (procedures, rules, etc.) and protective equipment. Remaining risks are recorded in the residual risk management sheet in accordance with the unified company-wide residual risk management operation. Based on this, stickers indicating residual risk levels are put on the equipment for visualization. Furthermore, training on the residual risk of the equipment is provided to operators to make sure that they know where the hazardous risk lies.

Creating structures to support safety

We are promoting the introduction of an occupational health and safety management system to create a system that supports the safety of the Group. By continually implementing our management system, we will strive to comply with laws and regulations and improve the level of safety and health.
All of our manufacturing sites have completed ISO 45001*1 certification, an international standard. In the domestic manufacturing affiliates, two companies have acquired ISO 45001 certification, eight companies have acquired OSHMS*2 certification, and two companies have acquired GSC*3 evaluations. Currently, four affiliates are in the process of acquiring GSC certification.
Three overseas affiliates have also acquired ISO 45001 certification.

  1. ISO45001: International standards for occupational health and safety management systems
  2. OSHMS: Japanese standard in compliance with the MHLW's "Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems" (OSHMS Guidelines)
  3. GSC: MHLW's project for assessing occupational safety and health of small and medium-sized business sites (Good Safety Company)

Create a secure workplace

Strengthen measures for fires, natural disasters, etc.

With the highest priority placed on ensuring the safety of employees, the Group conducts comprehensive disaster prevention drills every year in anticipation of fires, earthquakes, and other disasters at each site, and also conducts individual drills on a regular basis.
In addition, risk surveys of manufacturing sites are conducted regularly by risk consulting companies. By receiving an objective evaluation of the status of soft and hard measures for fires, natural disasters, etc., we are working to further strengthen our measures.
In Japan, we have introduced a safety confirmation system to confirm the safety of employees in the event of a disaster. In addition to conducting annual registration drills for the whole company, we also conduct drills at each site to build a system that enables us to quickly confirm the safety status of employees in the event of a disaster.

Approach to Kenko Keiei (health management)*

Health declaration and Non smoking declaration

We recognize the health of our employees and their family members the foundation of the sustained growth of our group. Based on our Basic Policy on Safety and Health, we have issued the Health Declaration as a strategic stance for health management and are promoting various measures to promote workplace health, mental health, and physical health.
In addition, with the aim of reducing the smoking rate of employees to 20% or less by 2023, we have promulgated the Non Smoking Declaration and are promoting initiatives to reduce the health risks of smoking, including passive smoking.

Health declaration

Health declaration

Non smoking declaration

Non smoking declaration

*Health management is a registered trademark of the NPO Health Management Research Association.

Certified as "Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 Large enterprise category (White 500)" for the second consecutive year

In recognition of our efforts, we were certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council as one of the "White 500", the top 500 corporations in the Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 ( Large enterprise category). This year is the second consecutive year of certification.
In fiscal 2022, 2,869 corporations applied for the Health and Productivity Management Organization (Large enterprise category), and the top 500 corporations, including ours, were certified as "White 500" as corporations practicing particularly excellent health management.

Certification mark of "Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 Large enterprise category (White 500)"

Certification mark of ''Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 Large enterprise category (White 500)''

History of Kenko Keiei (health management)

The philosophy of health and safety as stated in the Health and Safety Policy, has been our philosophy since our foundation, and we have been actively engaged in health management since the past.
Specifically, since 1985, we have been conducting physical strength measurements, exercise guidance, and health classes for all employees in conjunction with the NTN Health Insurance Society. Mental health measures have been actively implemented since the early stages. For example, since 2002, all employees have been interviewed by industrial counselors, and since 2003, a simplified questionnaire on occupational stress has been added to the Lifestyle Survey (Health Check Sheet) to focus on self-care in line with the Mental Health Guidelines. Since 2004, we have been implementing measures to prevent passive smoking.
In regards to work-life balance measures, we have worked with the labor union since the 1980s to improve the percentage of employees taking paid leave, and currently the average percentage of employees taking paid leave has been maintained at over 80%.
These health management initiatives were introduced in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun's "Progress in Health and Productivity Management" (March 30, 2022) and in an interview with a business partner of Doctor-trust Co., Ltd.

Prevention of passive smoking

Implement an online smoking cessation program

Since 2004, we have been actively implementing measures to prevent passive smoking, including the launch of a ban on smoking during working hours at the head office and sales offices. In addition, in 2008 we launched the "Non Smoking Challenge (subsidized smoking cessation program*)" as a measure to increase the level of employee desire to quit smoking.
To further strengthen measures to nonsmoking, in 2021 we launched an online Non Smoking Challenge program (subsidized smoking cessation program) that allows employees to engage in e-mails and chat consultations with specialists.

*A system in which employees who have announced their intention to take on the challenge of non smoking receive subsidies for the cost of nicotine patches, etc., and work to nonsmoking.

Trends in NTN's smoking rate

Trends in NTN's smoking rate

Establish a new non smoking supporter system

To reduce smoking rates, we are expanding measures to support non smoking making it easier to non smoking, and have a company-wide system that supports non smoking.
In 2021, we established a new "Non Smoking Supporter System" in which employees trying to quit support their own non smoking efforts with non smoking employees as their supporters. When a smoker successfully quits smoking for a certain period of time, the challenger and supporter are awarded points on our designated health app, and points can be exchanged for prizes. In addition, challengers and their supporters are made known in the workplace using our unique mini-banners, to encourage support from superiors and colleagues.

Mini-banner showing support during the non smoking challenge

Mini-banner showing support during the non smoking challenge Mini-banner showing support during the non smoking challenge

Mental Health Measures

Strengthen support for returning to work

Since 2000, we have been working on preventing mental health problems and taking early action, and to create an environment that makes it easier for employees who have been absent due to mental health problems to return to work. Previously, only mental health issues were covered, but in 2021 the "Manual for Supporting the Return to Work for Personal Injury and Sickness Leave" was established as a rule and made known to employees to ensure that they can return to work appropriately, including those with personal injuries or illnesses.

Reinstatement judgment meeting

Reinstatement judgment meeting

Web-based mentalhealth line care training*

Mentalhealth line-care training for managers (section and department managers) has been switched from the conventional group-type to web-based training. In addition, we have made it possible for all managers, including domestic affiliates, to participate in this line care training, and shared policies on Kenko Keiei (health management) and mental health throughout the company.

*Training for line employees (workplace managers and supervisors) to learn about mental health with the aim of preventing employees from suffering from mental health problems.

Mentalhealth line care training

Mentalhealth line care training

Initiatives to improve lifestyle and exercise habits

Educational activities prior to regular health checkups

In collaboration with the NTN Health Insurance Association, we began educational activities to promote lifestyle and exercise habits in order to improve the results of medical checkups two months before the regular medical checkup.
Specifically, we encourage all employees to take measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases and improve exercise habits, such as posters to promote the use of stairs in front of elevators, displaying health promotion slogans on copier screens, and putting up posters in cafeterias to calling for weight loss and an improvement in walking habits. In addition, in lifestyle-related disease prevention for the younger generation, industrial health staff encourages individual preventive measures for lifestyle-related diseases to those who have or had metabolic syndrome according to the results of the previous year's medical checkups for those f under 40 years of age. We conducted a questionnaire survey of employees in the head office division to evaluate changes in health awareness and behavior after awareness-raising, and found that this initiative led to changes in awareness and behavior for improving lifestyles and exercise habits.
In order to prevent a shortage of exercise and metabolic syndrome due to telework, we will continue to encourage all business sites to improve their lifestyles and exercise habits.

Questionnaire Survey on Awareness and Behavioral Changes

Questionnaire Survey on Awareness and Behavioral Changes

Exercise promotion signs in front of elevators

Exercise promotion signs in front of elevators

Sports Yell Company certification for the third consecutive year

Certified logo
Certified logo

To promote employee health, we support employee sports activities, such as domestic tournaments and sports events for internal club activities such as tennis, soccer, and skiing. In addition, to further raise employee awareness of health issues, we are promoting health promotion in the novel coronavirus pandemic by holding online stretching seminars for teleworkers. In recognition of the various sports-related measures for our employees, we were certified as a "Sports Yell Company 2022" by the Sports Agency as a company that is actively engaged in promoting employee health for the third consecutive year.

Online stretching seminar

Online stretching seminar

Specific health guidance (accreditation of insurers eligible for deduction of late-stage elderly support benefits (top))

We have collaborated with the NTN Health Insurance Society and since fiscal 2008 have been engaged in specific health checkups and specified health guidance. In order to increase the percentage of employees undergoing specific health examinations, we are introducing a mobile medical checkup system. In addition, we have created an environment in which specific health guidance is easy to receive during working hours, and in FY2021 we introduced online interviews so that we can respond to the impact of the novel coronavirus. Through these proactive efforts, the percentage of employees undergoing specified health examinations and the specific health guidance implementation rate has improved every year, and our NTN Health Insurance Society has been rated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as an "insurer eligible for reduction of late-stage support payments in fiscal 2020 (top-rank)."

Respond to the expansion of the new coronavirus infections

Infectious disease prevention and physical condition management

Our Group is promoting measures to prevent infections and minimize their impact on business activities, with the highest priority given to ensuring the safety of employees and their families, in relation to measures to prevent the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.
We have gathered information from each country and region, responded to public requests and implemented measures to temporarily return employees on loan, as well as timely responses in line with local circumstances and other factors.
In addition, we are thoroughly implementing basic preventive measures, such as temperature inspections prior to departure, hand sanitation, and avoiding crowded spaces. We are also implementing measures that expand the scope of telework, which had been introduced as part of work style reforms.
Although novel coronavirus vaccinations have also progressed and a trend toward convergence of novel coronaviruses is expected worldwide, we will continue to implement measures in response to changes in conditions by continuing to collaborate globally and gathering information in a timely manner.

Special leave support for vaccine leave and elementary school holidays

In order to make it easy for employees to be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus, we allow employees to take official leave, arrive late, leave early, and leave the office on the day of vaccination or when an adverse reactions occur. We have also created an environment in which employees can work with peace of mind by allowing employees who must take time off work due to elementary school holidays related to novel coronavirus, as well as those who need to take time off to take care of children who may have been, or have been, infected with the coronavirus, to take official leave.

Telework support

Survey of telework health situation survey

The telework system was introduced in 2019. In 2020 and 2021, we conducted a questionnaire survey of the head office and sales divisions to ascertain the health status of telework.
As a result, both men and women have complained of stiff shoulders, eye fatigue, and back pain, and we have been actively encouraging our employees to resolve the lack of exercise by providing more health consultations and providing subsidies to sports clubs. Going forward, we will continue to develop measures to prevent mental and physical disorders from telework and to actively improve lifestyle habits for employees themselves.

Telework health situation survey results

Telework health situation survey results

Telework health situation survey results

Implement 1on1 meetings

In the area of telework, we are dramatically changing the way employees work, such as how they communicate with their superiors and subordinates. In the 2020 and 2021 questionnaires for telework workers, we found that some employees felt worried about their work.
Accordingly, in 2021 we introduced the "1on1 meetings," an effective form of communication for regular and non-regular employees in the head office and sales divisions when working from home. It is necessary to create an environment in which employees can smoothly communicate with their subordinates when they work from home to check the progress of their work targets and discuss any problems, and aim to invigorate the organization through 1on1 meetings.

Human Resource Development

Basic approach to human resource development

Our human resource development aims to foster a culture of learning and cultivation in the workplace through the development of human resources capable of achieving business objectives and quickly responding to changes in the business environment, based on the basic concept of human resource policy of "enriching human resources" aimed at realizing a "NAMERAKA Society." To achieve this objective, our basic policy for human resource development is to foster three types of human resources: ① human resources who are competent in the international community, ② human resources who are independent as individuals, and ③ human resources with creativity. Our human resource development is based on individual self-development and on-the-job training (OJT). In addition to providing opportunities and various support systems to promote this, we continue to provide various types of training as Off-JT*, if necessary, with a long-term perspective in a systematic, planned and organized manner.

*Education and training outside the workplace

NTN's human resource development system

Aiming to foster a culture of learning and cultivation in the workplace, we are developing a training program for human resources who can think and act on their own at all levels. In order to expand our business into the next 100 years, it is essential to develop human resources who can thrive not only domestically, but also overseas. We are also using the study abroad and scholarship system as a program to foster outstanding human resources and international human resources with the aim of enhancing their spirit of improvement. In addition, we are working to raise the level of education for all employees by enhancing content such as company knowledge and expertise courses through internal e-learning. At the same time, we are autonomously working to develop skills in line with the skills and career plans of individual employees by introducing a business skills improvement program for young employees.

Training system

Manager personnel development

In addition to conventional training for managers, we have newly launched a "NTN Next Leader Program" for young managers with the aim of developing the number of candidates for next-generation management, who can make decisions on management issues on long-term perspective.
This training is a curriculum for systematically learning the thinking and knowledge necessary for management through a selective system. Through these and other training programs, we will strive to cultivate management-level candidates systematically and quickly.

Create a workplace to enhance employee engagement

Fair evaluations and compensation

We have implemented a performance evaluation system that aims to further revitalize employees and improve management efficiency by evaluating the degree of achievement of business objectives over a certain period, the degree of contribution made in carrying out work, and the degree of demonstration of job performance capabilities, and properly reflect them in salary increases, bonuses, promotions, career advancement, and education and training for the purpose of ensuring fair management of personnel, as well as "fostering the job skills of employees" for the development of the Company's business.
To ensure thorough implementation of this system, we conduct annual performance appraisal trainings. We are working to disseminate the mechanism through which the results of the performance appraisals are reflected in compensation, and we link the appraisal results to human resource development.

Realization of diverse work styles

We have introduced telecommuting and flextime systems to expand the flexibility of working hours and locations and to create an environment where a diverse range of employees can thrive. Since April 2021, we have been expanding our telecommuting system, centered in our head office and Tokyo office. We have also expanded the flexible-time system to cover non-regular employees. In these ways, we are working to help as many employees as possible achieve a work-life balance. Work-life balance job ranks have been established so that managers also can work shorter working hours and under a flextime system, thereby striking a balance between childcare and nursing care and their managerial duties. Through these measures, we ensure that childcare and nursing care do not hinder their career advancement.
In addition to these initiatives for existing employees, we have introduced an NTN job-return system that allows employees who have resigned due to factors such as marriage, giving birth, fertility treatment, nursing care, and career advancement to return to work at the Company. This environment enables us to utilize the experience, knowledge, and know-how that they have cultivated while at work or after resignation.
We will promote the creation of workplaces where many employees can fully thrive, and will realize diverse work styles.

Flexible response to the new coronavirus pandemic

In terms of working styles during the coronavirus pandemic, immediately the declaration of the state of emergency in April 2020, we recommended the use of a flextime system and staggered work hours and a telework system to ensure the safety of employees and to continue business. We responded promptly by establishing a network environment and communication tools for telework, mainly at our headquarters and sales offices.
As of April 2022, approximately 1200 employees had registered under the telework system, up from approximately 300 people before the coronavirus pandemic, and the technical and research divisions are also making progress toward adopting this system.
Also, as a temporary measure to respond to local conditions and needs, the child care leave system has been expanded the system to include children who attend elementary schools etc. that have taken extraordinary holidays.
Taking advantage of the recent spread of coronavirus infections, we are advancing initiatives with an eye toward a post-coronavirus in order to realize a variety of working styles that are not restricted by time and location.

Introduce communication tools in response to work style reforms

In order to reform work styles and prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, we are developing an environment that enables flexible telework that is not constrained by location. We have introduced a communication tool with functions such as web conferencing, business chat, and schedule sharing using the cloud, with the aim of revitalizing communication and improving productivity during telework.
We are also working to strengthen information security for communication tools so that employees can conduct their work safely and with peace of mind anytime, anywhere.

Promote RPA use

In a Japanese society where the decreasing labor force is unavoidable due to the declining birthrate and aging population, working style reforms and measures to deal with the shortage of human resources are becoming major issues.
To resolve these issues, we are working to thoroughly automate manual work and streamline and standardize business processes through the use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in conjunction with the restructuring of core systems.
In particular, in the "paperless," "cashless," and "stamp-less" work style reforms which have rapidly become widespread in Japan after the coronavirus pandemic, we are working to improve operational efficiency and shift to high-value-added operations by incorporating operational reforms using the latest IT technologies.
In the future, we will further expand the scope of application of digitalization in indirect operations, which will lead to improved productivity for the entire organization, and aim to increase corporate value.

Implement employee engagement survey

To achieve sustainable enhancement of corporate competitiveness, we believe that it is important to create an open workplace in which each employee's abilities are utilized and treated fairly, as well as a good relationship of trust and communication between supervisors, subordinates, and employees. We are working to improve employee engagement.
In order to enhance the effectiveness of our initiatives, we conducted an engagement survey in October 2021 to gauge the thoughts and feelings of our employees and their expectations for the company.
Through the development of personnel measures to improve employee engagement, implementation of workplace improvement activities, measures to reform working styles, and initiatives linked to the promotion of health and productivity management, we will realize the "good working environment" and "motivation" of each and every employee.

Promote Diversity

Basic Approach to Diversity and Inclusion

Our group is working to create a workplace environment in which a variety of human resources, regardless of nationality, culture, gender, age, or disability, can create better ideas with free ideas and maximize their abilities.
We will respect and recognize diverse values, and integrate them to create an organization that generates flexible ideas. While continuing to grow in a sustainable manner, we will realize our company's philosophy of "We shall contribute to international society through creating new technologies and developing new products."

Promote women in the workplace

Career advancement of women

One of the biggest challenges in achieving diversity is promoting women achievement in the workplace and closing the gender gap. Currently, the percentage of female managers in our group is 14% globally, and we are working to increase the number of managers in Japan, which is lower than in other regions.
In order for women to participate in important decision-making in positions of responsibility, and to create innovation based on diverse opinions and flexible ideas, we have introduced a leadership development program for female employees and systematically provide education to help them move up, thereby creating an environment in which women can challenge for managerial positions.
In addition to fostering women awareness and developing their abilities, we will work to further promote women's activities with raising the awareness of the entire workforce.

Trend in the number of female managers and supervisors at NTN
  (employees belonging to NTN)/As of April 1

Trend in the number of female managers and supervisors at NTN (employees belonging to NTN)/As of April 1

Acquired certification mark "Eruboshi"

"Eruboshi" certification mark
"Eruboshi" certification mark

We promote the career development of women through a variety of initiatives and provide support for balancing work and childcare. In recognition of these efforts, in 2020 we the 3-star "Eruboshi" certification, the highest rank, as an outstanding company based on the promotion of women's activities. We will continue to promote diverse work styles regardless of gender, and by disseminating internal information on internal systems and careers etc., we will create an environment that makes it easier for all employees to work.

Balancing childcare and work

Acquired "Kurumin" certification as a company that supports childcare

In 2019, we acquired "Kurumin" certification as a company that supports childcare, and are implementing initiatives to create a work environment to support employees in balancing childcare and work.
For employees raising children, we distribute a maternity/childcare leave handbook to both male and female employees, which outlines internal systems and laws related to childcare from the time they find out they are pregnant to the time they take maternity/ and return to work in order to raise awareness of these systems within the company. In addition, as an initiative for managers, we distribute a childcare support book for managers to deepen their understanding of childbirth and childcare and create an environment in which employees who give birth and raise children can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest. In addition, in order to promote the creation of a workplace in which a diverse human resources can fully participate in childcare and nursing care we distribute the "Childcare Handbook for managers" to managers to raise awareness of the need to support subordinates in balancing work and family life.

Promote male employees to take childcare leave

Measures to promote the participation of male employees in childcare leave include awareness-raising activities by posting posters 'promoting male employees' childcare leave throughout the company, and holding seminars to promote the development of the next generation (papa seminars), to help male employees learn about the importance of participating in childcare and to deepen their understanding of internal systems for childcare.
As a result of these efforts, the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave in fiscal 2021 was approximately five times higher than that of fiscal 2019.

Expansion of employment of elderly employees

In order to make the most of the careers of veteran employees who have reached their retirement age, we have established an employment environment and are reviewing treatment so that employees' motivation will be increased.
In all domestic group companies, employees can continue working after retirement, comprehensively taking into account their careers, skills, and place of work. Under this system, the re-hiring rate after retirement was 90% of the total number of employees who reached the retirement age in March 2021, and the re-hiring rate remained high as in the previous year.
In responding to the revised Act on Stabilization of Employment of the Elderly Persons, we are considering an ideal employment system for employees at the age of up to 65, including the extension of the retirement age, in order to have experienced, knowledgeable and motivated employees exercise their abilities until they turn 70.

Promote employment of people with disabilities

As part of our efforts to create a diverse organization in which everyone can thrive, we are actively promoting the employment of people with disabilities. They "work together" at various manufacturing sites and administrative divisions to make the most of their unique talents. In addition, "Yume Kobo", dedicated workplaces in Kuwana, Iwata, and Okayama, have been established as places where people with disabilities can play a leading role, and to contributing to local employment. Yume Kobo is working to create a safe and comfortable working environment for people with disabilities by promoting barrier-free access.
The employment rate of persons with disabilities increased significantly from the previous fiscal year, to 2.65% (as of March 2022), due to aggressive recruitment and retention measures.

Employment Ratio of Persons with Disabilities (NTN non-consolidated)

Employment Ratio of Persons with Disabilities (NTN non-consolidated)

Promotion of Global Human Resources

Recruit foreign students

We actively recruit foreign students with diverse values and high abilities regardless of nationality. They have different cultural backgrounds from Japan, demonstrate their abilities with new perspectives and ideas, and play an active role in various workplaces.

Message from the Executive Officer in Charge of Human Resources

We will steadily promote
"prosperous human development"
to increase corporate value.
Executive Officer
Human Resources Strategy Department
Personnel Department
Yasuhiro Kawabata

How do we aim for "prosperous human development", one of the ESG issues? The Executive Officer in charge of human resources will explain our efforts to realize "respect for diversity and individuality," "enhancement of engagement" and "revitalization of the organization."

Aiming for steady efforts aimed at "prosperous human development"

Organization and human resource reforms are necessary to resolve various social issues and increase social value, environmental value and economic value while adapting to rapid changes in the environment in recent years. To this end, it is necessary to foster an organizational culture that works to increase value and to develop diverse human resources that can work with job satisfaction. With this aim, the Group has set "prosperous human development" as one of its ESG issues. Furthermore, we will make "securing human resources who will lead the next generation to take on the challenge of transformation," "creating a rewarding environment that respects the diversity of employees," "fostering a culture of learning and development in the workplace," "realizing a workplace where employees can work safety and healthily" and "respect for human rights" more specific policies and steadily work on concrete measures one by one. At the same time, we, the Human Resources division, must respond to changes. Based on the five keywords of "Advancement, Visualization, Linkage, Efficiency, and Globalization," we will promote transformation and strengthen the foundation from a higher and broader perspective.

Fostering the next generation who can take on the challenge of transformation

Management and senior management play an important role in fostering a culture that enhances employee motivation and supports the challenge of transformation. In fiscal 2021, we have significantly renewed and relaunched the training program with the aim of systematically and early developing the next generation of management executive, and expanding the base of candidates. In fiscal 2022, we will further review the content of the training and increase the number of participants.
We will develop human resources who can support our future business foundation and take on the challenge of transformation even in an era of uncertainty, uncertainty and rapid change.

Putting "employees' desire" in Human Resources Policy

Amid continued harsh business performance, we believe it is more important than ever to enhance employee job satisfaction and invigorate the organization. Accordingly, we conducted an "employee awareness survey" targeting the head office and sales divisions. The survey results were shared with all the Executive Officers, and we have been able to firmly grasp the employees' desire to make NTN an excellent company. In the future, we will consider expanding the scope of the survey.
However, we often tend to seek results in a quick manner after such surveys, but first of all, we believe that it is important to reflect employees' desire in the improvement activities of the workplace and have them take root. In addition, we reaffirmed the importance of listening to the opinions of our employees on a regular basis rather than limiting ourselves to the "employee awareness survey." We will reflect the results of this survey and various "employees' desire" in our personnel policies.

Importance of recognizing "differences" among countries and regions

The new corporate award system "NTN PROUD AWARD," which will start in fiscal 2022, was established with the aim of praising employees' ESG activities from a global perspective. We believe this will further deepen their understanding of ESG management and raise their awareness as a member of NTN group, making it easier to disseminate our policies and strategies to employees around the world.
From my experience in overseas assignments, I think it is difficult to implement systems and measures in the same way as in Japan, as laws and regulations, cultures, religions, and customs differ depending on the country or region. In other words, there is a big difference between proceeding with a project with an awareness of the "differences" between Japan and other countries and proceeding without such awareness. We will promote the creation of a workplace environment in which diverse human resources can work with enthusiasm while adding a global perspective so that new discoveries and ideas can be discovered while acknowledging each other's differences.