CSR activities in FY2020
Relationships with Shareholders / Investors
Accessible General Meeting of Shareholders
We try to make it as easy as possible for shareholders to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders, and take various other measures to ensure that shareholder voting is a smooth process.
Earlier advance notice of the general meeting of shareholders
Three weeks' advance notice of the general meeting is provided (seven days earlier than the legally mandated deadline of two weeks before the meeting date).
Website posting of general meeting notice
Our early disclosure efforts include providing notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders on our website one month before the meeting date. We also work to improve foreign shareholder convenience by providing an English translation (summarized) of the notice.
Provision of detailed information in the general meeting notice
To assist shareholders' understanding, the officer appointment related agenda items are accompanied by a list of candidates' names, photos of candidates, the skill matrix that describes major experience areas, the attendance rate at the Board of Directors, years of service, and similar information.
Selection of date of the general meeting of shareholders
To maximize shareholder attendance, traditionally busy dates are avoided, and account closing/auditing schedules are considered when setting the meeting date.
Online voting
Advance voting is made possible both by post and online. For the convenience of institutional investors, NTN is also on the Electronic Voting Platform run by Investor Communications Japan (ICJ).
Measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus
At the 122nd General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 25, 2021, the following initiatives
were implemented to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infections.
・Recommendation to exercise voting rights in advance
・Implementation of temperature measurement through thermography, etc.
・Arranged shareholders seats with an awareness of social distancing
・Installation of alcohol disinfectants and distribution of masks to applicants, etc.
Communicating with Investors
ESG meeting
On December 1, 2020, we held our third ESG meeting online. There were 39 participants,
including institutional investors, and we explained our efforts to address ESG
In the meeting, in order for the investors to better understand our ESG initiatives, we
used our integrated report "NTN Report 2020," which was issued last year, for the
explanation, and also had a dialog about our tasks and requests from investors.
Measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus
At the third ESG meeting, we held a meeting in web format and implemented initiatives such as setting up partitions to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection.
The third "ESG meeting"
Information disclosure policy
We shall work to develop the Company and increase shareholder return, while at the same time communicating broadly with society, and advocating active information disclosure as one of its management policies. Moreover, we disclose information based on our Information Disclosure Policy and in compliance with various laws and regulations such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities" stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We also respect the "Corporate Governance Code" and disclose information in a fair manner according to the "Fair Disclosure Rules." We strive to disclose, as actively and fairly as possible, information that we deem useful for investors even if that information does not apply to laws, regulations and other rules.
Management of material information
We appropriately manage information subject to insider trading regulations as well as conclusive financial information prior to disclosure, as material information. We also promptly disclose relevant material information if it is found that the Company's executive or other employee has conveyed material undisclosed information to a business contact determined in the Fair Disclosure Rule. However, when a certain piece of information is determined to be material but deemed inappropriate for disclosure, then we will not disclose the information, placing the concerned business contact under confidentiality obligation and obligation to not purchase/sell the Company's shares until such material information can be disclosed.
Status of inclusion in SRI/ESG indexes*¹
We have been assessed as an active practitioner of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) in the stock market, and our shares have been selected for inclusion in multiple SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) funds and ESG indexes. We will continue to carry out proactive ESG initiatives and information disclosure.
SRI/ESG indexes
*1 Inclusion status as of the end of July 2021.
*2 The inclusion of NTN Corporation in any MSCI index, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, or promotion of NTN Corporation by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.