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CSR activities in FY2020

Relationships with Employees

Promote Safety and Health

Safety and Health Basic Policy

As the foundation of our management, ensuring the health and safety of all employees is the most important value that takes precedence over all of our other business activities. Based on this basic stance, we aim to realize a work environment where employees can work safely, healthily and actively.
We have formulated a Safety and Health Basic Policy based on the 6 items indicated below as basic principles.
We will raise safety awareness of employees and organization and further enhance corporate value by presenting this basic policy to employees, shareholders, customers and business partners, etc.

Outline of Safety and Health Basic Policy

  • 1.Compliance with laws and regulations
  • 2.Promotion of continuous improvement through the operation of
      an occupational safety and health management system
  • 3.Elimination and reduction of hazardous / harmful risks
  • 4.Promotion of employee education and training
  • 5.Maintain and promote mental and physical health
  • 6.Create safety culture

Safety and health efforts

Under the Safety and Health Basic Policy, we will promote safety and health activities based on the following 3 priority measures.

3 pillars of priority measures

3 pillars of priority measures

Creating structures to support safety

We are promoting the introduction of an occupational safety and health management system to develop a framework that supports the Group's safety. By continually implementing the management system, we will strive to comply with laws and regulations and improve the level of safety and health.
All of our manufacturing sites have completed the acquisition of ISO45001*1 certification, which is an international standard. Domestic affiliated manufacturers is first moving forward with the introduction of OSHMS*2 (domestic standards), and currently three companies have acquired OSHMS certification. In the future, we will proceed with the gradual acquisition of certification. We are also promoting the acquisition of GSC*3 certification for small-scale affiliated companies, one of which has been acquired. Three overseas affiliated companies have also acquired ISO45001 certification.

  1. ISO45001: International standard for occupational safety and health management systems
  2. OSHMS: Japanese standard in compliance with the MHLW's "Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems" (OSHMS Guidelines)
  3. GSC: MHLW's project for assessing occupational safety and health of small and medium-sized business sites (Good Safety Company)

Nurturing strong safety consciousness

Through in-house training, we train a number of risk assessment (RA) trainers at each business site, and conduct RA implementation guidance by RA trainers on a workplace-by-workplace basis to promote the improvement of RA capabilities of employees. Similarly, we have trained risk prediction (KY) trainers, implemented KY training on a workplace-by-workplace basis, and improved the KY capabilities of employees to develop people who are well-versed in safety practices and who do not act unsafely.
To prevent human error, we provide training to managers with the aim of improving social skills that cannot be attained only by providing systems or knowledge, such as status awareness, decision-making, communications and leadership. In addition, we are using the Safety Assessor qualification system to train engineers who can promote the intrinsic safety of equipment.

Intrinsic safety of equipment

Risk assessment (RA) is conducted for equipment at the time of installation, after a certain period of time elapses after installation, when equipment or content of work is modified, when something is pointed out as a result of safety patrols, or when near misses occur, in order to improve the intrinsic safety of equipment.
To deal with risks that are identified in RAs, we implement safety initiatives using engineering measures, such as safety covers and interlocks, in addition to intrinsic measures for reviewing operations. Furthermore, we consider risk reduction by means of managerial measures (procedures, rules, etc.) and protective equipment. Remaining risks are recorded in the residual risk management sheet in accordance with the unified company-wide residual risk management operation. Based on this, stickers indicating residual risk levels are put on the equipment for visualization. Furthermore, training on the residual risk of the equipment is provided to operators to make sure that they know where the hazardous risk lies.

Creating a secure workplace

Initiatives for natural disasters, etc.

We place top priority on ensuring the safety of our employees, and conduct comprehensive disaster prevention drills every year in anticipation of fires, earthquakes, and other disasters at our sites. In addition, we conduct individual drills on a regular basis.
In Japan, we have introduced a safety confirmation system to verify the safety of employees in the event of a disaster. In addition to registration drills that are conducted for all employees every year, we conduct drills at each site. In this way, we are working to build a system that allows us to quickly confirm the safety of employees in the event of a disaster.

Approach to Kenko Keiei (health management)

Maintaining and promoting the health of employees (health management)

In view of the fact that proactive efforts to maintain and promote the health of employees are important management factors that will affect the sustainable growth of the Company, we will promote workplace health, mental health, and physical health based on our "Health Declaration" in collaboration with the health insurance association.
Moreover, in recognition of our efforts, we were certified as a "White 500", one of the top 500 corporations in "Health and Productivity Management Organization 2021 (Large enterprise category)", and as a company that practices excellent health management, by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council.

*Kenko Keiei (health management) is a registered trademark of the NPO Health Management Research Association.

Concrete measures

NTN Health Declaration

Enhancement of healthy working atmosphere

  • Promotion of work-life balance, and avoidance of long working hours
  • Further promotion of active communication in the workplace
  • Initiatives to promote balancing work and treatment of disease

Enhancement of mental health

  •  Improvement of workplace environment based on the results of stress checks
  • Prevention of mental illness with self-care and care by supervisors
  • Enhancement of mental health consultation system

Enhancement of physical health

  • Appropriate health guidance and improvement of lifestyle based on the results of medical checkups
  • Steady implementation of data health plans in cooperation with the health insurance association
  • Improvement of the participation rate of medical checkups for employees' spouses

Certification mark of ''Health and Productivity Management Organization 2021 Large enterprise category (White 500)'' Certification mark of "Health and Productivity Management Organization 2021 Large enterprise category (White 500)"

Measures to protect employees from smoking-related health hazards

Since 2004, we have banned smoking during working hours at our head office and sales offices. Other business sites are also prohibiting smoking during working hours, and currently all domestic business sites have prohibited smoking during working hours.
Since 2008, smoking has been banned throughout the head office, and the "No Smoking Challenge System" has been launched in collaboration with the health insurance association. In 2020, our all domestic group companies have taken measures to protect employees from health risks related to smoking, such as eliminating indoor smoking areas and relocating them outdoors.
As a result of these efforts, the smoking rate is on a downward trend year by year, but with the aim of lowering the smoking rate of employees to 20% or less by 2023, we promulgated the "Non Smoking Declaration." We will continue to promote initiatives to reduce the health risk of smoking, including passive smoking.

Concrete measures

NTN Non Smoking Declaration

Improving health literacy

  • Enhance health literacy (health knowledge and information use) related to tobacco and motivate smoking cessation.

Quit Smoking approach to smokers

  • Understand the smoking status of employees, work with them according to their level of interest in smoking cessation, and actively provide healthcare support.

Prevention of passive smoking

  • Reduce smoking areas (indoor smoking is completely prohibited) and promote passive smoking prevention and the creation of an environment where it is difficult to smoke.

Trends in smoking rate of NTN Trends in smoking rate of NTN

Sports initiatives to promote health


We support a number of in-house club activities, including skiing, snowboarding, tennis, and futsal. We also hold regular sporting events for employees, such as a marathon relay race and softball tournament, at our domestic plants. We are also conducting radio gymnastic exercises for employees in our manufacturing divisions and promoting standing meetings for employees in our indirect divisions.
In recognition of these efforts, we received the "Sports Yell Company 2021" certification from the Sports Agency.

Response to the expansion of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infections

We are promoting measures to prevent infections and minimize the impact on our business activities, placing top priority on ensuring the safety of employees and their families, in order to prevent an outbreak of the new coronavirus.
We have gathered information from each country and region, responded to requests from public authorities and implemented measures to temporarily return employees on loan to Japan, as well as timely responses in line with local circumstances and other factors.
In addition to thoroughly implementing basic preventive measures, such as temperature measurements before going to work, hand sanitation, and avoidance of crowds, we are implementing measures such as working-from-home recommendations, which expanded teleworking, which had been introduced as part of work style reform.
The new coronavirus vaccinations have also progressed, and a trend toward convergence of the new coronavirus is expected worldwide. We will continue to implement measures in response to changes in circumstances by collaborating globally and gathering information in a timely manner.

Mental and physical health management in telework, etc.

In response to the Declaration of State of Emergency following the outbreak of the new coronavirus, there were concerns about the mental and physical effects of the rapid advancement of telecommuting and self-restraint concerning going outside. To prevent mental health problems, we conducted a survey of 801 male and female employees at the head office and sales offices.
According to the questionnaire survey results, 69.4% of people felt problems such as "stiff shoulders," "backache" and "eye strain" when working from home after the outbreak of the new coronavirus, so we held an online eye / shoulder / waist stretch seminar.
In addition, in terms of lifestyle habits (dining, exercise, sleeping, drinking, smoking), the favorable and unfavorable impacts varied from person to person. Accordingly, we provided department managers with training on "health management for subordinates when working from home" and disseminated information on "measures to combat the stress of telecommuting" to employees.
Going forward, we will continue to conduct periodic surveys to assess the physical and mental impact of telecommuting in order to prevent health problems.

Since when have you been in poor physical and/or mental condition?

Since when have you been in poor physical and/or mental condition?

Poor mental and/or physical condition occurring during this period (in descending order)

Poor mental and/or physical condition occurring during this period (in descending order)

Survey period : July 2020
Survey items : Surveyed in 15-item questionnaire format
Target : 801 employees from the head office, branch offices, and sales offices
Response rate : 76.2% (610 persons)

Scene of an online stretch seminar

Scene of an online stretch seminar

Human Resource Development

Basic approach to human resource development

Our human resource development is based on the basic policy of realizing the NTN Corporate Philosophy through activities of human resources who grow as self-sustaining individuals, and aims to cultivate human resources that can achieve business objectives and swiftly respond to changes in the business environment.
To achieve this goal, we have adopted a basic policy for human resource development that aims to develop three types of human resources, namely: (i) Global, (ii) Self-support, and (iii) Creative. Our human resource development is based on personal self-development and on-the-job training (OJT). In addition to providing opportunities and various support systems to promote the above-mentioned development, we continuously implement systematic, well-planned and organizational training programs for employees as off-the-job-training (Off-JT) on an as-needed basis from a long-term perspective.

*Education and training outside the workplace

NTN's human resource development structure

In order to ensure that employees acquire the mindset, knowledge, and techniques necessary to meet the level of skills (such as qualifications) required according to job grades and can enhance their ability to perform their duties, we are implementing human resource development programs at all levels that enable employees to think and act for themselves. In order to expand our business over the next 100 years, it is essential to develop human resources capable of playing an active role not only in Japan but also overseas. As a program to foster outstanding human resources and international human resources by raising the spirit of improvement, we are also utilizing overseas studies and scholarships. Through in-house e-learning programs, we are working to raise the education level of all employees by enhancing contents such as corporate knowledge and expertise courses.

Training structure

Promotion of the work style reform

Fair evaluations and compensation

We have implemented a performance evaluation system that aims to further revitalize employees and improve management efficiency by evaluating the degree of achievement of business objectives over a certain period, the degree of contribution made in carrying out work, and the degree of demonstration of job performance capabilities, and properly reflect them in salary increases, bonuses, promotions, career advancement, and education and training for the purpose of ensuring fair management of personnel, as well as "fostering the job skills of employees" for the development of the Company's business.
To ensure thorough implementation of this system, we conduct annual performance appraisal trainings. We are working to disseminate the mechanism through which the results of the performance appraisals are reflected in compensation, and we link the appraisal results to human resource development.

Realization of diverse work styles

We have introduced telecommuting and flextime systems to expand the flexibility of working hours and locations and to create an environment where a diverse range of employees can thrive. Since April 2021, we have been expanding our telecommuting system, centered in our head office and Tokyo office. We have also expanded the flexible-time system to cover non-regular employees. In these ways, we are working to help as many employees as possible achieve a work-life balance. Work-life balance job ranks have been established so that managers also can work shorter working hours and under a flextime system, thereby striking a balance between childcare and nursing care and their managerial duties. Through these measures, we ensure that childcare and nursing care do not hinder their career advancement.
In addition to these initiatives for existing employees, we have introduced an NTN job-return system that allows employees who have resigned due to factors such as marriage, giving birth, fertility treatment, nursing care, and career advancement to return to work at the Company. This environment enables us to utilize the experience, knowledge, and know-how that they have cultivated while at work or after resignation.
We will promote the creation of workplaces where many employees can fully thrive, and will realize diverse work styles.

Flexible response to the new coronavirus pandemic

Immediately after the Declaration of State of Emergency in April 2020, we encouraged employees to use the flextime system, staggered working hours, and telecommuting system to ensure employees’ security and business continuity. We promptly developed a network environment and communications tools for telecommunicating, mainly at our head office and sales offices.
As of April 2021, approximately 1,000 employees had registered for the telecommuting system, up from approximately 300 registered employees prior to the spread of the new coronavirus. After implementing the telecommuting system on a trial basis, we have been working to make the system an official one at our works (mainly in the technical division).
In addition, in response to the closing of elementary schools and other facilities due to the spread of the new coronavirus infections, we encouraged employees who take care of children to work from home. In addition, as a temporary measure, we established a special public holiday due to the closing of elementary schools. Approximately 200 employees took advantage of this special public holiday.
In response to the recent spread of the new coronavirus, we are advancing initiatives with an eye on the after-corona world to realize a variety of working styles that are not bound by time or place.

Introduction of communications tools to respond to the work style reform

To promote the work style reform and prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, we are developing an environment that enables flexible telework that is not restricted by location. With the aim of revitalizing communication and improving productivity during telework, we are introducing communication tools with functions such as cloud-based web conferences, business chat, scheduling and file sharing. In fiscal 2020, we completed the introduction of these tools in the head office and sales divisions.
We are also working to strengthen the information-security capabilities of our communications tools so that employees can conduct business safely and with peace of mind anytime, anywhere.

Promotion of RPA utilization

In Japanese society, where the shrinkage of workforce is unavoidable due to the decreasing birthrate and aging population, improving productivity per capita is a major issue.
In order to achieve sustainable growth amid this environment, it is essential to promote work style reform to improve productivity and increase operational results more than ever before.
As part of this effort, we are reforming the operations of indirect divisions through the rebuilding of the core system.
In particular, we are working to improve time-efficiency and make a shift to high-value-added operations by automating manual work through the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and by standardizing company-wide common operations, such as payroll processing and slip processing, which are common to each division.
Going forward, we will make maximum use of RPA as a complementary mechanism to our core systems in areas such as production control, which supports manufacturing, and cost control, which is directly linked to earnings. By thoroughly automating our regular operations and streamlining and standardizing our business processes, we will strengthen our competitiveness and realize work style reform.

Promote Diversity

Basic approach to diversity

The economic condition and social structure surrounding us have been drastically and rapidly changing, including the shrinkage of the labor force population and the new normal lifestyle with/after the new coronavirus (COVID-19). We are working on "transformation" so that we can respond flexibly and actively to such rapid changes in the environment and continue to grow sustainably. One of the important strategies for this "transformation" is diversity. By combining these diverse values and creating flexible ideas, we will accelerate "transformation." We are working to create a workplace environment in which a variety of people, irrespective of nationality, culture, gender, age, or disability, can create better ideas based on open-minded thinking, and demonstrate his or her abilities to the fullest. We will realize our corporate philosophy, "We shall contribute to international society through creating new technologies and developing new products," by promoting diversity.

Encouraging more active roles for female employees

Assigning women to managerial positions

One of the biggest challenges in achieving diversity is promoting female advancement in the workplace and closing the gender gap.
Currently, the percentage of female managers at the Company is 14.0% globally, and looking at such percentage by region, the percentage in Japan is low. Therefore, we believe that we need to further promote female advancement. By assigning many women to high responsibility positions and encouraging them to participate in important judgments and decisions, we expect that innovation will be created based on diverse opinions and flexible ideas, resulting in the creation of value and the strengthening of our organization.
The Global Human Resource Development has introduced a leadership development program for female employees and held seminars in a planned manner. Also, the department holds an awareness-raising workshop for superiors of female employees and an unconscious bias seminar for managers, thereby establishing an environment where women can try to become a manager, so that the gender gap will be eliminated.

Trend in the number of female managers and supervisors at NTN
  (employees belonging to NTN)/As of April 1

Trend in the number of female managers and supervisors at NTN (employees belonging to NTN)/As of April 1

Acquisition of certification mark "Eruboshi"

The ''Eruboshi'' certification logo
The "Eruboshi"
certification logo

As an excellent company in terms of the promotion of female advancement in the workplace, we were awarded the highest 3-star grade in "Eruboshi" certification by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. "Eruboshi" certifies companies that have formulated and shared an action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, and have excellent conditions regarding promotion of women’s advancement. We were recognized for our efforts to hold seminars to train manager candidates, develop their skills such as thorough time management and striking a work-life balance. Going forward, we will further promote women's active participation through the promotion of diverse working styles and the development of a friendly work environment for women.

Balancing work and childcare

In 2019, we obtained a "Kurumin" certification as a company supporting child-rearing, and are implementing initiatives to create a work environment to support employees balancing childcare and work.
For both men and women, we distribute a handbook summarizing in-house systems, laws and regulations relating to child-rearing from the time they become aware of their pregnancy to the time they take maternity leave, childcare leave, and return to work. In this way, we disseminate the in-house systems within the Company. In addition, in order to encourage men to participate in childcare, we conducted awareness-raising activities, including displaying posters to encourage men to take childcare leave. In fiscal 2020, the rate of men taking childcare leave was 5 times higher than the previous year. Furthermore, as an initiative aimed at managers, we distribute a childcare handbook for managers to deepen their understanding of childbirth and childcare, and create an environment where employees who give birth and raise children can maximize their capabilities.

Expansion of employment of elderly employees

In order to make the most of the careers of veteran employees who have reached their retirement age, we have established an employment environment and are reviewing treatment so that employees’ motivation will be increased.
In all domestic group companies, employees can continue working after retirement, comprehensively taking into account their careers, skills, and place of work. Under this system, the re-hiring rate after retirement was 90% of the total number of employees who reached the retirement age in March 2021, and the re-hiring rate remained high as in the previous year.
In responding to the revised Act on Stabilization of Employment of the Elderly Persons, we are considering an ideal employment system for employees at the age of up to 65, including the extension of the retirement age, in order to have experienced, knowledgeable and motivated employees exercise their abilities until they turn 70.

Promotion of employment of persons with disabilities

As a workplace where people with disabilities can take the lead and work safely, we have established three "Dream Workshops" at Kuwana, Iwata and Okayama Works. In addition, we are working to create a comfortable working environment for people with disabilities, through actions such as promoting barrier-free workplaces. 
"Collaboration" is being promoted in every workplace, not only the manufacturing sites but also various workplaces such as headquarters and sales divisions, to utilize the strengths of a variety of people and encourage them to play an active role.