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CSR activities in FY2017

Company environmental performance and targets

Company-wide environmental performance for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018

Targets for 8 goals of Environment Policy: 14 of 16 achieved

The NTN Group in Japan set and worked on targets aligned with the eight aims of the NTN Environment Policy during the fiscal year under review. We achieved 14 of our 16 set targets a result of our efforts.
Next year, we will work on preventing global warming by setting a CO2 emissions target of 666,000 metric tons per year (less than 296,000 metric tons of Japan emissions and 370,000 metric tons of overseas emissions per year).

Company-wide environmental performance for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018

icon:Not achieved
Not achieved
NTN Environment Policy Environmental Targets Results Self-evaluation
Technologies to help prevent global warming Developing and releasing new technologies and products that help save and create energy eHUB development
NTN Micro Hydro Turbine development
Compliance Ongoing rigorous management of hazardous materials Rigorous storage access
management, monthly self-auditing
Reducing environmental impact from business activities Reducing CO2 emissions Reducing CO2 emissions Japan 282,000 metric tons/year max. *1 286,000 metric tons/year icon:Not achieved
Overseas 372,000 metric tons/year max. *2 355,000 metric tons/year icon:Achieved
Reducing CO2 emissions intensity Japan 21.2% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 1998 *1 23.6% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 1998 icon:Achieved
Overseas 5.0% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 *2 10.4% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 icon:Achieved
Sustainable resource use Reducing water consumption Reducing water consumption intensity Japan 16.8% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 21.6% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 icon:Achieved
Overseas 1.2% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 *3 12.5% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 icon:Achieved
Reducing waste, maintaining high recycling rates Raising recycling rates Japan 99.8% min. 99.9% icon:Achieved
Overseas 97% min. 96.7% icon:Not achieved
Reducing waste intensity Japan 1.6% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 3.2% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 icon:Achieved
Reducing paper and Styrofoam use Reducing paper purchase intensity Japan 14.0% increase compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 10.2% increase compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 icon:Achieved
Reducing Styrofoam use Japan Maintaining 99% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2000 99.7% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2000 icon:Achieved
Rigorously managing environmentally hazardous substances Managing and reducing PRTR substance quantities 6% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2017 icon:Achieved
Protecting biodiversity “Kigyo no Mori” and other biodiversity protection activities Japan 16 or more participating business sites 19 participating business sites icon:Achieved
Overseas 7 or more participating business sites 11 participating business sites
Continually improving environmental management system Acquiring revised ISO 14001 (ISO 14001:2015) certification Certified in November 2017 icon:Achieved

*1 Calculated using a fixed CO2 emissions factor of 0.381 for electricity.

*2 Includes 5 additional business sites (NTN-AT, NDB, NTPT, NNMI Chennai and Nanjing NTN).

*3 Includes 4 additional business sites (NDB, NTPT, NNMI Chennai and Nanjing NTN).

Company-wide environmental targets for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019

NTN Environment Policy and Company-wide enviromental targets

NTN Environment Policy

1. Technologies to help prevent
     global warming
The NTN Group will help prevent global warming by developing and releasing new technologies and products that help save and create energy world-wide.
2.Compliance The NTN Group will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, while proactively addressing concerns expressed by customers, local communities and other stakeholders.
3.Reducing environmental impact
     from business activities
The NTN Group will minimize environmental impacts such as emissions of CO2 and regulated substances from all NTN Group business operations, while working to identify and reduce environmental impact from both upstream and downstream supply chain processes (from suppliers to customers).
4.Sustainable resource use The NTN Group will adhere closely to the three Rs approach (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) as we work on reducing waste and resource inputs such as water and raw materials and other resources.
5.Rigorously managing
     hazardous substances
The NTN Group will practice green procurement, rigorously manage environmentally hazardous substances used in products and manufacturing processes, and work actively to replace highly hazardous substances with alternatives.
6.Protecting biodiversity The NTN Group will work on protecting biodiversity, playing an active role in forest preservation and other environmental protection projects in partnership with local communities.
7.Communication The NTN Group will inform all NTN Group employees about the NTN Environment Policy to raise environmental awareness.
We will disseminate information on environmental initiatives widely to the general public to promote active communication with the general public.
8.Continually improving
     environmental management
The NTN Group will improve our environmental performance by implementing and continually improving our environmental management system.

Company-wide environmental targets for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019

NTN Environment Policy Environmental Targets
Technologies to help prevent global warming Developing and releasing new technologies and products that help save and create energy
Compliance Ongoing rigorous management of hazardous materials
Reducing environmental impact from business activities Reducing CO2 emissions Reducing CO2 emissions Japan 296,000 metric tons/year max.
Overseas 370,000 metric tons/year max. *1
Reducing CO2 emissions intensity Japan 26.4% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 1998
Overseas 10.9% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 *1
Awareness-raising and compliance enforcement for revised version of Green Procurement Standards Green Procurement Standards form collection rate Japan 100% collection rate
Sustainable resource use Reducing water consumption Reducing water consumption intensity Japan 24.1% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
Overseas 13.9% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 *2
Reducing waste, maintaining high recycling rates Raising recycling rates Japan 99.8% min.
Overseas 97% min. *1
Reducing waste intensity 3.8% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
Reducing paper and Styrofoam use Reducing paper purchase intensity 5.4% increase compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
Reducing Styrofoam use Maintaining 99% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2000
Rigorously managing environmentally hazardous substances Managing and reducing PRTR substance quantities PRTR substance intensities 1% decrease compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2018
Preventing phthalate ester contamination and rigorously managing old stock
Protecting biodiversity "Kigyo no Mori" and other biodiversity protection activities Increase in number of participating business sites

*1 Includes one additional business site (Xiangyang NTN).
*2 Includes two additional business sites (NTN-AT and Xiangyang NTN).