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CSR activities in FY2017

Environment Policy

To contribute the sustainable development of society, the NTN Group has established NTN Environmental Policy. Environmental management organization has been established to reduce environmental impact and promoting Energy-saving/Resource-saving.


NTN Environment Policy

Coexistence with the global environment is a top priority for the NTN Group. Our business activities are designed to prevent environmental pollution and preserve natural capital, while our technologies reflect our unwavering efforts to help ensure the sustainable development of society.

Environmental Management Organization

The NTN Environment Policy has been created by the Group to reduce environmental impact and help ensure the sustainable development of society.

To implement the Policy, we have established a Company-wide Environmental Management Committee that governs Group members and subsidiaries in Japan. The Committee sets environmental targets for CO2 emissions and waste reduction at individual business sites and for the Company as a whole. We are strengthening environmental management organization at individual workplaces, creating committees at our manufacturing divisions, head office and sales divisions to work on issues such as saving energy, saving resources and improving office environments.

Environmental management organization chart

Environmental management organization chart